In light of current circumstances and out of an abundance of caution, we have made a difficult decision to postpone our wedding.

This is an undoubtedly heartbreaking decision, but not worth mentioning to the idea of putting our loved ones at risk. Love is all that matters in a marriage, and as we are always bond together in love, a wedding is a party that can be prepared for a while longer.

We decided on new wedding dates, while the location remains the same.

Please Save the NEW Date:


  • Wedding Ceremony in Austria: 31 July 2021 in Klingerpark Seeboden, followed by a Party in Sommeregg Castle;
  • Wedding Party in China: 6th October 2021 in Beijing.

We are very thankful to people who RSVP‘d for the old date, but due to this special condition, we have to ask everyone to sign up again in the new RSVP to tell us whether you will attend on the above-mentioned date(s). Sorry for the trouble.

Take time to reschedule your plan, and it would be helpful if you can let us know by 15th February 2021. Then an invitation letter will follow.

For now, please join us in keeping our world safe.

For further announcements please pay attention to this blog.

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